Umbrella Rewards Pro is our exclusive rewards platform that you can take advantage of for just a small increase to your margin. For the price of a cup of coffee a week, you can save much more by making the use of the following benefits.
Umbrella Rewards Pro is our exclusive rewards platform that you can take advantage of for just a small increase to your margin. For the price of a cup of coffee a week, you can save much more by making the use of the following benefits.
A health cash plan from BHSF, where you can get money back for healthcare such as dental work, prescriptions, eye tests and more.
A free BP Plus fuel card to give you cheaper fuel at over 1000 BP and partner garages up and down the country.
Exclusive savings and discounts at most major supermarkets, high street stores and online retailers.
Free monthly competitions and lottery draws where you can win thousands of pounds.
Simply fill in your details below and we’ll get you saving in no time!
By choosing Umbrella Rewards Pro, you will be able to benefit from our BHSF health cash plan. This means you can claim cash reimbursements towards the cost of your everyday healthcare, including optical and dental bills, therapy treatments, diagnostic health consultations, and health screenings. This plan will also cover your children unless otherwise stated.
A stand-out benefit of the plan is that it includes diagnostic scans (MRI, CT, or PET) which are required as part of the diagnostic process in connection with a diagnostic consultation. See below for a full breakdown of the benefits schedule (Personal Enterprise Level One).
Sick of not being able to get a convenient doctor’s appointment? With Umbrella Rewards Pro, you’ll also have 24/7, 365 days-a-year access to a GP consultation service via telephone or webcam.
Through Umbrella Rewards Pro, you’ll be able to order a bp Plus fuel card, giving you access to low prices for diesel and unleaded fuel at over 1,200 bp service stations nationwide, which includes nearly 50% of the UK motorway service stations – where savings can be in excess of 20p per litre.
How does it work?
Each Monday, you will be sent an email to your registered email address with a low fixed price for diesel and unleaded fuel for the coming week. The price applies from midnight Sunday to the following Sunday.
You can use your bp Plus fuel card to purchase either standard diesel or unleaded fuel at any BP service station for that week and you will be charged the fixed price regardless of the advertised pump price. The fuel purchases will be charged to your bank account by direct debit in the following week.
Through Umbrella Rewards Pro, you have access to cashback savings which means rather than getting money off the checkout, you get money back into your account. For example, if you order a £50 digital voucher for a retailer that offers 3% cashback, you pay £50 for the voucher and get £1.50 back.
How does it work?
All of the cashback you earn through the platform is stored in your account. When you log into the app or website, you’ll see your current cashback balance on the screen. You can save it and transfer it into your bank account once you’ve earned a minimum of £5.