Licensed Insolvency Practitioners providing expert business rescue and closure solutions. Get 100% confidential and straightforward insolvency advice you can trust.

Two people dressed in suits holding cups of hot drinks Two people dressed in suits holding cups of hot drinks

Insolvency solutions for limited contractors and SME business owners

Umbrella.UK Insolvency is one of the North West’s leading Insolvency Practitioners providing director-led insolvency solutions to company directors who need expert help with either company closure, business rescue, business debts, or HMRC debt. Whatever scenario your business is facing, we will provide the professional help you need to move forward.

Company Closure

Close your company quickly and stress-free, whether it’s solvent or insolvent.

Business Rescue

You’re in good hands. We can provide insolvency options with clear guidance and support to help you move forward.

Confidential & Trustworthy Advice

100% confidential and professional guidance.

Expert Guidance

Director-led involvement means a high level of expertise every step of the way.

Nationwide Service

We offer accessible insolvency advice by phone, in-person or online.

Accredited Insolvency Professionals

Accreditations you can trust.

Contact Umbrella.UK Insolvency for a free initial consultation*

*Umbrella.UK don’t charge for an initial consultation, but it may lead to an insolvency solution where our pre-appointment costs are reimbursed as part of the fee structure that creditors approve.

Introducing Umbrella.UK Insolvency

Access-free Director resources you can trust

Explore our insolvency advice hub where you will find an insightful range of insolvency resources to help you run your business.

  • Insolvency client case studies to help explain the insolvency options that could be available to you as a company director.
  • Get the latest insolvency news and articles for company directors.
  • Insolvency guides offering free and useful insolvency information for company directors.

Watch free and helpful insolvency video guides for company directors.

Discover our other partners

Our partners are carefully chosen on the basis they have the expert knowledge to help you thrive in all aspects of your contracting journey. Check who else is in our network.

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If you’d prefer to speak to us directly about our partners first or have any other questions about our services, we’re happy to help.

Umbrella.UK Insolvency services are provided by Umbrella Accountants LLP. Registered Office: Bollin House, Bollin Link, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 1DP: Company Number OC360021. Data Protection Number Z2517380. VAT Registration Number 107346824 Umbrella.UK Insolvency and Umbrella are trading styles of Umbrella Accountants LLP. Tom Fox LLB M.A.B.R.P is an employee of Umbrella Accountants LLP and is licensed to act as an Insolvency Practitioner in the UK by the Insolvency Practitioners Association. Professional Indemnity Insurance – In accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, the firm’s professional indemnity insurer is Aqueous Management Limited, 10th Floor, 5 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HU. The territorial coverage is worldwide excluding professional business carried out in the United States of America or Canada and excludes any action for a claim brought in any court in the USA or Canada.